2022 is shaping up to be a great year. If you’re looking for ways to maximize 2022, here are a few of our favorite resolutions we try to implement every year. Let us know which one is your favorite!
1. Learn something new each week
Learning is fun! While you don’t have to commit to being an expert at something, committing yourself to learn something new can help expand your world in more ways than one. Whether it’s learning a new language, deep-diving into something you’re already familiar with, or even traveling to learn about new cultures, you can make your learning fit your life and learning style.
2. Get active daily
Being active has immense health benefits on your physical, mental, and emotional health. According to the WHO, physical inactivity is one of the leading risk factors for non-communicable diseases mortality. People who are not very physically active have a 20%-30% increase in death than those who are regularly active. In 2022, commit to an activity that gets you moving and something you enjoy. It could be as simple as a 30min neighborhood walk to training for a marathon. If you’re having trouble getting active and staying committed to being active, try a workout class. Adding in accountability partners can help keep you on course and make staying active fun!
3. Swap out something you dispose of regularly with a reusable option
At EcoPro saying that we are obsessed with eco-friendly options would be an understatement. Swapping out a disposable item with a reusable item can help you do your part in saving the environment. Swaps can be as small as using a reusable water bottle to purchasing reusable silverware to take with you to work. Big changes start small and grow so don’t feel intimidated that you have to completely overhaul your entire lifestyle overnight.
4. Find time for yourself
Finding time for yourself can mean a lot of different things. It can mean going to dinners alone, traveling, watching the shows you like and so much more. Finding time to unwind in the ways you enjoy can help improve your mental, emotional, and physical health. It can be hard to find time for ourselves as many of us feel guilty for saying no to our friends and family. However, you can’t pour from an empty cup, and giving yourself the luxury of recharging allows you to be at your best when your people need you the most.
5. Invest in yourself
Much like finding time for yourself, investing in yourself can mean many different things to people. It can mean investing in your physical or mental health or expanding your education. Investing in yourself simply means investing your time, energy, and money in things, places, and people that fuel your soul.
6. Live in the moment
Living in the moment can be difficult. It’s sometimes fun to daydream and imagine things in your mind; especially if you have an exciting trip coming up or a fun weekend planned. Living in the moment means staying physically, emotionally, and mentally present. Living in the moment allows you to truly appreciate even the most mundane moments.