As a manager or owner of a physical therapy clinic, you want to make sure your staff always feel appreciated. Yet, it takes more than just a cushy paycheck to ensure that clinicians and staff are being recognized for their great work. A positive atmosphere where the staff is regularly appreciated permeates throughout every facet of your clinic. Here are 4 ways to make your staff feel appreciated
Celebrate Their Accomplishments Publicly
Whether they just received a new certification or had an awesome patient review, publicly celebrating your clinicians and staff help them feel like their awesome work isn’t going unnoticed. While intrinsic motivation is necessary to do good work, there’s something to be said about public recognition. You can celebrate your clinicians and staff’s accomplishments by creating a wall of awesomeness or simply publicly congratulating them in front of your other staff members.
Ask How They Are
Your staff is composed of unique and dynamic individuals with intricate lives outside of your office. Which means some days they might be feeling the weight of the world a little bit more than usual. Asking your staff how they are and showing genuine interest and concern can help them feel appreciated and seen for more than just your employee. Additionally, getting to know your staff can help you better understand their strengths and how to properly guide them professionally.
Celebrate and Acknowledge Their Birthdays
So maybe you haven’t full out celebrated a birthday since you were 10 but there is something special about birthdays. Even if you’re nota big birthday celebrator, some of your staff might be. Celebrating, or at the very least acknowledging, their birthday can help them feel as if you view them as more than just an employee but as a human. You don’t have to get crazy but getting them a small gift or sweet treat to let them know you want to wish them a happy birthday is a kind and easy gesture.
Host Staff Appreciation Events
It could be after-work happy hours or weekend kayak adventures, but celebrating your staff often can have immense benefits on your team’s relationships and bonds. Appreciation events or evenings let your staff know how grateful you are for them. Additionally, it allows each member to get to know each other beyond the confines of their job descriptions.
A Little Goes A Long Way
Something as simple as a thank you can have an immense benefit on how your staff feels about working at your clinic. Taking the time each day to show them in little or big ways how much you appreciate them will not only make them feel good but you’ll feel good too.